Application Developer C# and Angular – VI GÅR IGENOM KANDIDATER LÖPANDE!

Job description:

##### Övergripande uppdragsbeskrivning
Our customer need a backfill resource for a position as an application developer in a large project.
The developer need to have some years of experience from development in C# and Angular to join our application development team. We work with a broad range of applications from small simple services to larger webb based applications.
It is important to be familiar with Azure, devOps, and CI/CD. As the team the developer will work in both develops and runs applications it is important to have experience from application operation.
**Key responsibilities of this role:**
* Full stack development of both small and large applications
* Operation of applications both on-prem and in Azure.
**Location and Mobility:**
·       Gävle and Gruvön primary locations, other mill locations possible
·        The work will, to a large extent, be done remotely using
digital meetings but we prefer resources close to our mills.
##### Skallkrav
At least 5 years of development in Microsoft environment. Development mainly in Visual Studio and C#, Angular as Front End framework.
Experience in working in Azure DevOps with CI/CD both on prem and in Azure.
Experience from process industry, preferably pulp and paper but other process industry is also relevant.
##### Börkrav
##### Övriga krav
Bifoga CV i Wordformat under fliken Dokument. CV:t är en viktig del i utvärderingen av konsulten. Det ska tydligt visa att konsulten har den kompetens och erfarenhet som efterfrågas för det aktuella uppdraget.
Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
Beskriv gärna kort i ”Kommentar” vid de olika kraven hur konsulten uppfyller dessa.
##### Personliga egenskaper
Problem-solving abilities and a strategic mindset.
##### Övrig information
Det finns goda möjligheter att uppdraget blir förlängt.
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