Fullstack Developer (Angular, NodeJS, Typescript, Openshift, Docker, Digital Signature, Testing, HTML 5, CSS 3, Keycloak 22) Remote/Berlin

Job description:

Performance timer: 09/2024 to 09/2026
Scope of service: 480PT
**Minimum requirements:**
* 2 years of experience with the development of portal applications with the focus on digital signatures (2-year-round can be jointly delivered through all three references),
* Programming languages in the current version (disjunctive): Angular, Node.JS, TypeScript
* comprehensive knowledge in the following areas: OpenShift, Docker
** Qualification requirements to be assessed:**
* (at least) 3 years of professional experience in the field of front-end development (3 year-rounds can be jointly provided through all three references; further training experience can be taken into account in the context of the overall survey),
* HTML 5,
CSS 3,
* Comprehensive knowledge of Keycloak from version 22,
* Comprehensive knowledge of the following tools and methods in the development process: gitlab, gitlab-ci;
**Your knowledge:**
* Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma,
* End-to-end testing with protractor or cypress,
* Reactive programming: RxJS,
* Responsive design: Bootstrap or Flexbox.

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