Software Architekt

Job description:

For our customers we are looking for a software architect (w/m/d) to support the project:
### Exciting tasks await you
* Development and implementation of a robust software architecture taking into account the BSI basic protection
* Integration of different components into a coherent overall system
* Ensuring compliance with high safety standards and data protection regulations
### These qualifications characterize you
* Ability to use and integrate advanced design patterns such as composites, proxy, bridge and command in real projects. (Acknowledge when and why certain patterns should be used to increase code reusability, improve wartability and optimize software architecture)
* Certifications: iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture (o.a.)
* Very good knowledge about JavaEE, Unix/Linux, Oracle, JBoss EAP
* Confidentiality with the BSI standard
* Knowledge of basic IT protection
* Good knowledge in JPA/Hibernate and dealing with relational databases
* Know-How in Web Technologies, ReactJS and Javascript
* readiness to verify safety (SÜ)

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